@TECHREPORT\{IMM2005-03890, author = "H. A. Nielsen and T. S. Nielsen and H. Madsen and G. Giebel", title = "Candidate Prediction Models and Methods", year = "2005", number = "", series = "", institution = "Informatics and Mathematical Modelling", address = "", type = "", note = "Prepared under {PSO-}project FU4101 {''}Intelligent wind power prediction systems''", url = "http://www2.compute.dtu.dk/pubdb/pubs/3890-full.html", abstract = "This document lists candidate prediction models for Work Package 3 (WP3) of the {PSO-}project called ``Intelligent wind power prediction systems{''} (FU4101). The main focus is on the models transforming numerical weather predictions into predictions of power production. The document also outlines the possibilities w.r.t. different numerical weather predictions actually available to the project." }