@MISC\{IMM1984-03730, author = "V. V. Vidal", title = "Notes on Static and Dynamic Optimization", year = "1984", publisher = "Institute of Mathematical Statistics and Operations Research, {IMSOR}", address = "Technical University of Denmark, {DTU}", url = "http://www2.compute.dtu.dk/pubdb/pubs/3730-full.html", abstract = "This book pretends to be a unified presentation of the main theoretical and numerical results on optimization, and at the same time it provides an outlook to the many areas of application. It contains what I believe is the minimum knowledge required for a serious use of normative mathematical models. Most of the results presented here are available in the current literature although they are not well-known to most users of optimization methods, - what is different is the way they are presented: stepwise from general to particular results placing emphasis on the geometrical rather than the mathematical abstract approach." }