@MASTERSTHESIS\{IMM2004-03239, author = "A. H. Rasmussen", title = "Ruteplanl{\ae}gning i praksis", year = "2004", keywords = "Ruteplanl{\ae}gning, Produktionsplanl{\ae}gning, Matematisk model, Metaheuristik, Tabu s{\o}gning, Dynamisk indstilling af parametre", school = "Informatics and Mathematical Modelling, Technical University of Denmark, {DTU}", address = "Richard Petersens Plads, Building 321, {DK-}2800 Kgs. Lyngby", type = "", note = "Supervised by Assoc. Prof. Jesper Larsen", url = "http://www2.compute.dtu.dk/pubdb/pubs/3239-full.html", abstract = "Gennem tiden har planl{\ae}gning af produktion og distribution af varer v{\ae}ret en proces, der har involveret en stor m{\ae}ngde ressourcer og et stort antal mennesker. Planl{\ae}gningen har ofte v{\ae}ret af manuel karakter og ofte uden fundament i videnskaben. Ved hj{\ae}lp af operationsanalyse er det blevet muligt at beskrive mange problemstillinger indenfor disse omr{\aa}der og udregne optimale l{\o}sninger, eller vha. heuristikker at give hurtige bud p{\aa} l{\o}sninger, der er t{\ae}t p{\aa} den optimale l{\o}sning. Dette projekt omhandler distribution i de s{\ae}rlige tilf{\ae}lde, hvor distribution og produktion er t{\ae}t knyttet til hinanden. Mere specifikt omhandler projektet kombinationen af produktion og distribution af gas i Danmark og hvordan en l{\o}sning til et s{\aa}dant problem kan findes. Projektet tager udgangspunkt i en case placeret i Danmark, men problemstillingen stammer oprindeligt fra Sverige. Specielt for produktion af gas g{\ae}lder at produktionen skal holdes k{\o}rende, hvorved der udover en maksimal produktion ogs{\aa} er en minimal produktion. Problemet vil blive fors{\o}gt l{\o}st med en matematisk model der giver den optimale l{\o}sning. Da dette er meget tidskr{\ae}vende kan det ikke forventes at denne l{\o}sningsmetode er tilfredsstillende ved daglig brug, hvorfor hurtigere l{\o}sningsmetoder baseret p{\aa} metaheuristikker, specielt tabu s{\o}gning, ogs{\aa} anvendes. Hovedv{\ae}gten i opgaven er lagt p{\aa} tabu s{\o}gning. In English: Production planning and distribution of goods has for a long time been a process, which involves a great deal of resources and people. Planning has often been done manually and with no or insufficient foundation in science. With Operational Research it is possible to describe and solve many cases in these areas and return an optimal solution, or by heuristic methods to produce near-optimal solutions. This project deals with distribution in the special case where distribution and production are integrated. More specifically it deals with the combination of production and distribution of gas in Denmark and how a solution to such a problem can be found. The problem originates from Sweden but is presented as a case located in Denmark, due to the availability of data. Production of gas is special because the production must run continuously, which is why a minimum production capacity must be met. Furthermore a maximum production capacity is also given. I will try to solve the problem by making a mathematical model and find an optimal solution. Finding an optimal solution is normally very time consuming. Therefore real-time decision support would instead focus on near-optimal solutions, which is why faster solutions based on metaheuristics, especially tabu search, will be used also. The main focus in the project is on tabu search." }