@MASTERSTHESIS\{IMM2004-03195, author = "K. H. Madsen", title = "Human Visual Cortex - Investigations using fMRI", year = "2004", school = "Informatics and Mathematical Modelling, Technical University of Denmark, {DTU}", address = "Richard Petersens Plads, Building 321, {DK-}2800 Kgs. Lyngby", type = "", note = "Supervised by Professor Lars Kai Hansen", url = "http://www2.compute.dtu.dk/pubdb/pubs/3195-full.html", abstract = "The present work describes a method for investigation of the visual cortex in humans using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI).A method for analysis of retinotopic mapping data using a general linear model is suggested and a method for determining the hemodynamic lag based on the measurement is described. The hemodynamic lag in the visual cortex is found to be 4.2 s. Also a method for performing perimetry (visual field testing) using fMRI is suggested, indicating interesting perspectives for further investigations of clinically relevant patients. Furthermore, the project presents two additional studies of the human visual cortex.The first study aims to investigate stereovision by the use of colour coded 3 dimensional images whereas the second experiment explores connections between the primary visual cortex (V1) and V5 (MT).The results showed a possible activation of V3 and other secondary visual areas in response to stereo stimuli. Preliminary results indicating proof of V5 to V1 back projection is presented. In addition the retinotopic mapping described has been planned for clinically investigations of patients with Optic Neuritis. In Danish: Dette projekt beskriver en metode til unders{\o}gelse af synsbarken hos mennesker ved brug af funktionel magnetisk resonans billeddannelse. Projektet foresl{\aa}r en metode til analyse af data til retinotopisk kortl{\ae}gning af synsbarken i en generel line{\ae}r model.Ved brug af ovenst{\aa}ende pr{\ae}senteres ogs{\aa} en metode til at estimere forsinkelsen af det h{\ae}modynamiske respons p{\aa} neural aktivitet en forsinkelse p{\aa} 4.2 s blev fundet. Yderligere foresl{\aa}s en metode til udf{\o}relse af perimetri (unders{\o}gelse af synsudfald) vha.fMRI. Yderligere pr{\ae}senteres to unders{\o}gelser af den visuelle synsbark.Det ene er et studie til kortl{\ae}gning af stereosyn ved brug af farvekodede stereobilleder. Det andet studie har til form{\aa}l at unders{\o}ge forbindelser mellem synsomr{\aa}derne V1 og V5 (MT). I forbindelse med unders{\o}gelsen af stereosyn pr{\ae}senteres pr{\ae}limin{\ae}re resultater som indikerer aktivitet i sekund{\ae}re visuelle omr{\aa}der herunder V3. Ligeledes pr{\ae}senteres forel{\o}bige resultater som indikerer tilstedev{\ae}relsen af forbindelser fra V5 til V1. Resultater fra studiet omhandlende retinotopisk kortl{\ae}gning har givet anledning til planl{\ae}gning af en klinisk unders{\o}gelse af patienter med sygdommen Opticus Neuritis." }