@MASTERSTHESIS\{IMM2004-03141, author = "B. Ottesen and L. Tranberg", title = "Planl{\ae}gning og optimering af logistiske problemstillinger i et kulturelt divergent milj{\o}", year = "2004", keywords = "logistik, multimetodologi, optimering, virksomhedscase, workshop", school = "Informatics and Mathematical Modelling, Technical University of Denmark, {DTU}", address = "Richard Petersens Plads, Building 321, {DK-}2800 Kgs. Lyngby", type = "", note = "Supervisor: Prof. Rene Victor Vidal", url = "http://www2.compute.dtu.dk/pubdb/pubs/3141-full.html", abstract = "Dette projekt omhandler planl{\ae}gning, h{\aa}ndtering og l{\o}sning af en konkret virksomhedsproblemstilling omkring terminalplacering ved brug af multimetodologi. I rapporten beskrives indledningsvis m{\aa}let for projektet, virksomheden og teorien bag de i projektet anvendte metoder og v{\ae}rkt{\o}jer. Herefter kommer vi frem til en tredelt h{\aa}ndteringsproces best{\aa}ende af (1) indsamling af basisviden om virksomheden, (2) matematisk modellering og l{\o}sning af et testeksempel og (3) planl{\ae}gning og afholdelse af workshops for medarbejdere i virksomheden. Gennem den tredelte h{\aa}ndteringsproces n{\aa}r vi frem til en m{\ae}ngde resultater, der danner basis for udarbejdelse af handlingsplaner og bl.a. repr{\ae}senterer syv centrale problemomr{\aa}der, hvor virksomhedens ledelse b{\o}r s{\ae}tte ind og gennemf{\o}re forandringer i organisationen. Afslutningsvis evalueres projektforl{\o}bet, anvendelsen af metoder og resultaterne i forhold til m{\aa}ls{\ae}tningen. I projektet finder vi frem til, at multimetodologi er en velegnet metode til h{\aa}ndtering af den betragtede problemstilling, idet projektarbejdet resulterer i en r{\ae}kke konkrete handlingsplaner og anvisninger, der kan give stof til eftertanke for virksomhedens ledelse. Vi kan desuden konkludere, at multimetodologi er en tilgangsvinkel med et stort potentiale, og at der i virksomheden er mange yderligere projektomr{\aa}der, der i fremtiden kan arbejdes videre med. In English: By the use of multimethodology and in cooperation with a company the authors of this thesis deal with planning, handling and solving an actual problem in relation to the location of facilities. In the beginning of the report we describe the obejctive for the thesis, the company involved and the theory behind the methods as well as the tools used. Then we describe a three stage approach: (1) the collecting of basic knowledge of the company, (2) the mathematical modeling and the solving of a test example and (3) the planning and holding of workshops for some of the employees of the company. The three stage approach provides us with a number of results that form the basis for working out plans of action. Furthermore, it represents seven central fields of problems upon which the excecutive management of the company is advised to focus in order to implement changes in the company. Finaly, we evaluate the project developement, the use of methods and the results in relation to the basic objective of the thesis. Through our work with this project we find that multimethodology is a suitable method for handling the problem under consideration, and the work undertaken during this project results in a number of concrete plans of action and guidelines which may provide food for thought for the excecutive management. Furthermore, it may be concluded that multimethodology is an approach with a large potential, as there are many other issues in the company to be delt with." }