@CONFERENCE\{IMM2002-0195, author = "F. {\AA}. Nielsen and L. K. Hansen", title = "Automatic anatomical labeling of Talairach coordinates and generation of volumes of interest via the BrainMap database", year = "2002", keywords = "Neuroinformatics, Volume of interests, anatomical labeling, BrainMap, Talairach", booktitle = "NeuroImage", volume = "16", series = "", editor = "", publisher = "Academic Press", organization = "", address = "San Diego, California", note = "Presented at the 8th International Conference on Functional Mapping of the Human Brain, June 2--{6,} 2002, Sendai, Japan. Available on {CD-}Rom", url = "http://www.imm.dtu.dk/~fn/ps/Nielsen2002Translating_abstract.ps.gz" }