@MISC\{IMM2018-07121, author = "G. D. Zotti and S. A. Pourmousavi and J. M. Morales and H. Madsen and N. K. Poulsen", title = "Hourly electricity consumption in Denmark in 2008", year = "2018", publisher = "Technical University of Denmark, Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science", address = "Richard Petersens Plads, Building 324, {DK-}2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark, compute@compute.dtu.dk", url = "http://orbit.dtu.dk/en/persons/giulia-de-zotti(42f449fc-1da5-4738-bf21-32a01f060dc1)-full.html", abstract = "We provide the average values of the hourly electricity consumption for the Danish case in 2008. They are provided to allow the replication of our work “Consumers’ Flexibility Estimation at the {TSO} Level for Balancing Services”, as requested by the Reviewers. Data about the electricity consumption has been previously collected by Energinet (the Danish transmission system operator) and {ELFOR} (the Danish distribution operator) in the Elforbrugspanel project, by monitoring hourly electricity demand for a selected pool of consumers in every Danish municipality [1]. In such a project, the pool has been defined to represent the national demand. 2106 meters have been installed to study the residential, agricultural, industrial and commercial electricity demand. The data of each end-users' category has been reported monthly to Elforbrugspanel. The main output of the Elforbrugspanel project has been the calculation of the average of the hourly individual electricity demand for 29 end-users' category (including residential, industrial and commercial). References: [1] “Elforbrugspanel,” http://www.elforbrugspanel.dk/Pages/Forsiden.aspx, (Accessed on 09/05/2017)." }