@MISC\{IMM2017-07096, author = "H. Hatteland and O. Fleckenstein", title = "Multi-Agent Systems", year = "2017", publisher = "Technical University of Denmark, Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science", address = "Richard Petersens Plads, Building 324, {DK-}2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark, compute@compute.dtu.dk", note = "{DTU} supervisor: J{\o}rgen Villadsen, jovi@dtu.dk", url = "http://www.compute.dtu.dk/English.aspx", abstract = "The goal of the thesis is to develop and implement a full-scale multi-agent system targeting a realistic and nondeterministic environment. The environment is provided by the organizers of the annual Multi-Agent Programming Contest (MAPC), having created a scenario which takes place in several of Europe’s famous cities, namely Agents in the City. The scenario is related to each team being a contractor, having a set of vehicles at their disposal to solve jobs that involve acquiring, assembling and delivering items at specific locations. The system is developed using Jason integrated with CArtAgO, often referred to as JaCa, while the agents are implemented using the agent-oriented programming language AgentSpeak. The purpose of this project is to familiarize the reader with the development of multi-agent systems, solving non-trivial coordination tasks and learning about the challenges that arise in complex nondeterministic environments. The second purpose is to successfully implement one or more solutions to the {MAPC,} and find good metrics for testing and evaluating these on their own and against each other." }