@MISC\{IMM2016-06954, author = "J. Larsen and J. Madsen and B. S. Jensen", title = "Interactive Crowdsourcing for Big Data", year = "2016", month = "nov", keywords = "crowdsourcing, audio, readio archive, interactive learning, machine learning, big data", publisher = "{DTU} Compute", address = "Richard Petersens Plads, B324", note = "Invited presentation at {DEIC} National Supercomputing Day 07.11.2016 - Perspectives of High Performance Computing", url = "http://vidyoreplay.risoe.dk/replay/showRecordingExternal.html?key=UhwUGnMUoclrOEB", abstract = "Program available at https://vidensportal.deic.dk/national-supercomputing-day-nov-7-2016 Videolink http://vidyoreplay.risoe.dk/replay/showRecordingExternal.html?key=UhwUGnMUoclrOEB time 26:45 - 56:09" }