Multivariate analysis with the Brede Toolbox |
Abstract | The Brede Toolbox is a Matlab toolbox that implements some of the standard
multivariate analysis algorithms, such as K-means, independent component analysis and non-negative matrix factorization (NMF). The Matlab functions operate on annotated matrices and plotting and HTML generation functions can use this annotation when reporting analysis results, e.g., such that results of hierarchical NMF can be plotted with a single function. The Brede
Toolbox have been used for text mining PubMed abstracts, analysis of Wikipedia citations and for analyzing the content of the neuroinformatics Brede Database. The latter analysis involves the formation of multiple kernel density estimates of brain coordinates and subsequent multivariate
analyses of these densities with the results containing 3D visualization in brain space added to
the Brede Database homepage. |
Type | Misc [Poster] |
Journal/Book/Conference | European Workshop on Challenges in Modern Massive Data Sets |
Year | 2009 Month July |
Publisher | Department of Applied Mathmatics and Computer Science, Technical University of Denmark |
Address | Building 321, DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby |
Electronic version(s) | [pdf] |
BibTeX data | [bibtex] |
IMM Group(s) | Intelligent Signal Processing |