Fabrizio Becci

AbstractThe goal of this project is to present an ad-hoc solution for producing and consuming information within the context of Participatory Journalism using smartphones as the main media, together with theWeb, Web TV and DVB. The intent of such participation is to provide independent, reliable, accurate, wideranging and relevant information that a democracy requires[8]. The concept of participatory journalism is well described in [8]. It is also called bottom-up news model.
Producing information will be done using a simple and efficient Android mobile application. The users will be using a mobile application both for producing and enriching informations with new media content. Information consumption will be done by using a wide range of media: the Web, Web TV (I am going to use Google Web TV 2) and the common Digital Video Broadcasting for digital television3. In order to achieve this goal, I will present a mobile application that users will use for producing information. Then a Web page and a Google TV website will be presented, which users will use for consuming information. The interaction between all of the above components requires the design of a complex software framework that will be introduced in Section 3.2.
TypeMaster's thesis [Academic thesis]
PublisherTechnical University of Denmark, DTU Compute, E-mail: compute@compute.dtu.dk
AddressMatematiktorvet, Building 303-B, DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
NoteDTU supervisors: Michael Kai Petersen, mkai@dtu.dk, DTU Compute
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Publication linkhttp://www.compute.dtu.dk/English.aspx
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IMM Group(s)Intelligent Signal Processing