PitchMe: YouTube meets LinkedIn

Vladimir Bakalov

AbstractIn times of economic crisis and budget cuts, it is hard for many to find a job. Talented people apply for job positions but due to inability to stand out from the crowd using just a plain CV and resume, their efforts are often unsuccessful.
We propose a business model and technical specification for developing a mobile service to help tackling the unemployment problem by innovating the way job seekers present themselves to potential employers.
PitchMe is a mobile app, which sole purpose is to connect job seekers and employers. Job seekers use smartphone to record and upload a short video, where they promote themselves and their services. They can also connect their LinkedIn profiles to further enhance their presentation. The job seekers are encouraged to be creative and best utilize their video time. Employers, on the other side, browse, search and watch videos of interest, and further establish contact with job seekers of choice.
In this master thesis we will refine a feasible business model and build technical requirements for executing the development of the mobile app and the service as a whole.
TypeMaster's thesis [Academic thesis]
PublisherTechnical University of Denmark, DTU Compute, E-mail: compute@compute.dtu.dk
AddressMatematiktorvet, Building 303-B, DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
NoteDTU supervisor: Michael Kai Petersen, mkai@dtu.dk, DTU Compute
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IMM Group(s)Intelligent Signal Processing