An Anomaly based Wireless Intrusion Detection System

Davide Papini

AbstractWireless networks have shown several security holes and many weaknesses since the standard has been released. Such weaknesses come directly from design and security algorithms flaws and from undefi ned behavior due to unusual frame values. Moreover wireless promotes malicious activity since network is no more con fined into the wires but is spread over the air out in the open, beyond houses or companies walls.
Anomaly based Intrusion Detection Systems have proved to be very e ffective since they detect suspicious trac just by comparison with the normal one. The purpose of this project is to show that employing accurate and precise features of diff erent communication layers, and cross referencing their data, could be very eff ective in detecting attacks that usually are very hard to detect. As a matter of fact such attacks usually exploit single layer vulnerabilities, therefore anomaly detection with single layer features can be often useless.
A monitor application has been developed and it has been used to gather data from diff erent prepared scenarios. Afterward analysis has shown that anomalies in gathered traffic were remarkable, consistent and rather easy to track. Along with this performance has been evaluated in terms of real time application and packet loss. Moreover requirements of a fully functional anomaly based intrusion detection system were assessed. Despite hardware availability for developing and testing was limited, results are promising and they show that an e ffective Wireless IDS can be developed.
TypeMaster's thesis [Academic thesis]
PublisherTechnical University of Denmark, DTU Informatics, E-mail:
AddressAsmussens Alle, Building 305, DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
NoteDTU supervisor: Robin Sharp,, DTU Informatics
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IMM Group(s)Computer Science & Engineering