Visuel komponent til DSB tog-historik

Henrik Christoffersen

AbstractThis bachelor thesis deals with the investigation of posibilities, off ered by the application framework Microsoft Silverlight, to solve the problem of visualising speci c position-data on a map representation supported by a web-mapping service. This technology investigation was issued by small-company Pallas Informatik A/S, to build a potential product for Danish railway company DSB (Danske Statsbaner). The company belives, that by using data that is already being harvested from trains to make a product, that can visualize operations, the operations can be analyzed and improved to provide a better performance on a larger scale. The study required a deep understanding of how Microsoft Silverlight worked, and it required a thorough research to draw conclusions. To develop a software system, that solves the problem, the author has used an interative and incremental approach by following principles of Uni ed Process.
The result of the investigation provides a softwareprototype, that has been demarced to providing what the user should experience. The prototype allows a user to visualize position-data of trains on the web-mapping service Bing Maps, and it allows a user to control the visualization of the data as a media player. The thesis provides Pallas Informatik A/S with basis to decide, if the product is worth developing and a prototype to present to DSB to try and get them to invest in the project.
TypeBachelor of Engineering thesis [Academic thesis]
PublisherTechnical University of Denmark, DTU Informatics, E-mail:
AddressAsmussens Alle, Building 305, DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
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IMM Group(s)Computer Science & Engineering