Secure Linking of Patients and Tele-medical Sensors

AbstractThe main task of this thesis is to identify if and how anomalies origin from a patient switch can be detected in medical data. By investigating various approaches and methods for pattern recognition a proof-of-concept model based on a heuristic approach is been analysed, designed and implemented. The hypothesis is that newly arrived data from a fitness watch with heart rate monitoring capabilities can be validated against an already trained pattern signature is tested.
A state-of-the-art survey in telemedicine is performed from a technical perspective, where a case study from Frederiksberg Hospital is included, to expose the challenges and advantages in telemedicine the health care system can benefit from now and in the future.
TypeMaster's thesis [Academic thesis]
PublisherTechnical University of Denmark, DTU Informatics, E-mail:
AddressAsmussens Alle, Building 305, DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
SeriesDTU Compute M.Sc.-2011
NoteDTU supervisor: Christian D. Jensen,, DTU Compute
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IMM Group(s)Computer Science & Engineering