@MISC\{IMM2011-06065, author = "J. B. Larsen", title = "Inconsistency Handling in Multi-Agent Systems", year = "2011", publisher = "Technical University of Denmark, {DTU} Informatics, {E-}mail: reception@imm.dtu.dk", address = "Asmussens Alle, Building 305, {DK-}2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark", note = "Supervised by Associate Professor J{\o}rgen Villadsen, jv@imm.dtu.dk, {DTU} Informatics", url = "http://www.imm.dtu.dk/English.aspx", abstract = "At the time of writing, agent programming languages are still a new technology and general purpose agent systems are difficult to use. These systems are based on agents that reason and act according to a belief base. A typical bug in such agents are inconsistency in the belief base, which can make them act unexpectedly. In this project I work with revisioning of beliefs, to handle inconsistency automatically in Jason, a practical multi-agent system. I also experiment with paraconsistency in Jason and with possible applications of it." }