@TECHREPORT\{IMM2007-05607, author = "R. Sharp", title = "Internet Safety and Security Surveys – A Review", year = "2007", number = "", series = "IMM-Technical Report-2007-21", institution = "Informatics and Mathematical Modelling, Technical University of Denmark, {DTU}", address = "Richard Petersens Plads, Building 321, {DK-}2800 Kgs. Lyngby", type = "", url = "http://www2.compute.dtu.dk/pubdb/pubs/5607-full.html", abstract = "This report gives a review of investigations into Internet safety and security over the last 10 years. The review covers a number of surveys of Internet usage, of Internet security in general, and of Internet users’ awareness of issues related to safety and security. The focus and approach of the various surveys is considered, and is related to more general proposals for investigating the issues involved. A variety of proposals for how to improve levels of Internet safety and security are also described, and they are reviewed in the light of studies of motivational factors which affect the degree to which such proposals are successful. The report concludes with a summary of areas in which more research appears to be needed." }