@MASTERSTHESIS\{IMM2007-05503, author = "K. Haddad", title = "{DVB-H} in Denmark - Technical and Economic aspects", year = "2007", school = "Informatics and Mathematical Modelling, Technical University of Denmark, {DTU}", address = "Richard Petersens Plads, Building 321, {DK-}2800 Kgs. Lyngby", type = "", note = "Supervised by Morten Falch, and Reza Tadayoni, {IMM} (CICT), {DTU}.", url = "http://www2.compute.dtu.dk/pubdb/pubs/5503-full.html", abstract = "The demand for multimedia services including mobile {TV} to mobile handset is increasing rapidly. Mobile {TV} is nowadays delivered on point-to-point {3G} cellular networks. Being unicast in nature, these networks remain an inefficient method for simultaneous delivery of {TV} services to a mass audience. An alternative to the {3G} cellular network is the point-to-multipoint {DVB-H} broadcast network, which has been designed for the delivery of mobile {TV} on handheld terminals. This is considered to be ideal for content delivery to a large number of users and to cater for an increased demand for mobile {TV} services. The purpose of this project is to investigate the possibility of deploying a {DVB-H} network in Denmark. The investigation is carried out by means of describing the general features of a {DVB-H} network. This includes technical constraints and network planning issues such as network topology, coverage, radio frequency and radio transmit power as well as a cost estimate of deploying a {DVB-H} network in Denmark. In particular, this thesis addresses the theory behind {DVB-H}. Also, in this paper an analysis of the economy of the {3G} cellular and {DVB-H} network is conducted to understand the benefit of {DVB-H} compared to the {3G} network. Results show that mobile {TV} over {3G} networks will neither be profitable nor sustainable as it fails to serve mass mobile consumers. Although {3G} cellular networks can be upgraded to {MBMS} or {HSDPA} to deliver higher data rates and support a significant number of subscribers, it has failed to support millions of subscribers during busy hours. Despite the difference between the broadcast and cellular networks, research has shown that these networks can be combined for successful delivery of mobile {TV} service. In order to show the benefit of the combined networks, a network convergence business model is presented. An evaluation of the different existing mobile {TV} broadcast technologies is also discussed to understand the benefit of {DVB-H} compared to the existing technologies. The main concern for the broadcasters and mobile operators alike with regards to {DVB-H} is the cost associated with the implementation of {DVB-H} network infrastructure. Two case studies are presented to estimate and evaluate the {DVB-H} deployment cost in Denmark. Furthermore, an analysis of the evolving market opportunity for mobile {TV} is presented and finally, recommendations for adapting {DVB-H} technology will be discussed, in the hope that this technology will be deployed in Denmark in the near future." }