Robot Vision Applications using the CSEM SwissRanger Camera

Sigurjon Arni Gudmundsson

AbstractThe SwissRanger is new type of depth vision camera using the Time-of-Flight (TOF) principle. It acquires in real time both normal intensity images and 3D range images. It is an active range nder with a harmless light source emitting near infrared light at under 1W. Most other active range finders are laser based and have much higher latency. The SwissRangers usefulness is proved here by solving two diverse robot vision applications: The mobile robot localization problem and the 3D object pose estimation problem.

The robots localization is found by segmenting range images; into planar surfaces. The segmentation is done by calculating the local surface normals at each pixel, grouping the image into regions and robustly tting to planes using RANSAC. From these planes a map of the robots environment is constructed. For a robot to handle an object it has to recognize the objects pose or orientation in space. This is approached by using a dimensionality reduction method called Local Linear Embedding (LLE). A dataset, with range images of an object can be seen as points in a very high dimensional pixel space. It has been shown that for 3D objects such points lie on nonlinear manifolds in the high dimensional space. The LLE technique reduces the dimensionality down to a true dimensionality of the manifold and reveals the separating characteristic in each point namely its pose. The pose of a new objects can then be detected by mapping it to this low dimensional space.
Keywordsmathematical modelling, 3D imaging, time-of-ight, range images, robot localization, pose estimation, range image segmentation, non-linear dimension reduction, Local Linear Embedding.
TypeMaster's thesis [Academic thesis]
PublisherInformatics and Mathematical Modelling, Technical University of Denmark, DTU
AddressRichard Petersens Plads, Building 321, DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby
NoteSupervised Rasmus Larsen, and co-supervisor Jens Michael Carstensen, IMM.
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IMM Group(s)Image Analysis & Computer Graphics