@MASTERSTHESIS\{IMM2006-04604, author = "B. S. Hermansen", title = "A Satellite Mission Control System", year = "2006", school = "Informatics and Mathematical Modelling, Technical University of Denmark, {DTU}", address = "Richard Petersens Plads, Building 321, {DK-}2800 Kgs. Lyngby", type = "", note = "Supervised by Hans Henrik L{\o}vengreen, {IMM}.", url = "http://www2.compute.dtu.dk/pubdb/pubs/4604-full.html", abstract = "The Mission Control is an extension of the Ground station. The Mission Control handles the actual communication with the satellite and the Ground Station is the tracking and maintaining of the communication. This means the Ground Station controls the radio which different Mission Controls can gain access to and then use to communication with a given satellite. This means that one can service more than one satellite operator at the time if need be, but that only one can communicate at a time. The general purpose is that operators will use the Mission Control without any prior knowledge to the Ground Station, they do however need to know a few things about the satellite which they want to use. Mainly they need to know about the commands that the satellite can comprehend, so they do not accidentally start flooding the satellite with garbage commands which might take transmission time away from the real commands. It is expected that the commands will be verified by either people or some programming qualified to do this. The operator might see it fit to make some last minute changes, these should be made before the session is passed to the Ground Station or the changes wont be able to be made as a lock will occur. Another aspect to be considered is the storage of the data received, not as much as the medium as that has already been selected, but more which structure the database should have. The structure might change as the data becomes more complex or more fast information is needed before actually fetching the entire set of data. Furthermore then one could expect that it might variate depending on the need of the single user requesting the data later, but in this aspect one would expect changes in the software fetching the data rather than an actual change in the database, leaving this problem to a later time in the DTUSAT2 progress. Looking at a future aspect of the software development within the Mission Control, it means that a Mission Control can hook up to different Ground Stations running the Ground Station software to gain better coverage of the satellite. It should be mentioned that this is not necessary at this point as there is only a single Ground Station running with the software." }