@TECHREPORT\{IMM1992-04550, author = "F. Bauduin and R. Klootsema and S. Rievers and E. D. Dijkstra and E. Paaske and J. Justesen and K. Larsen and J. Spars{\o} and S. Pedersen", title = "Design and development of a very high speed Reed-Solomon encoder/decoder chip set: Requirement Analysis", year = "1992", month = "may", pages = "1-106", number = "", series = "ESA/{ESOC} project no. 13.501", institution = "Centre Suisse d'electronique et microtechnique S. A. (CSEM) and Technical University of Denmark", address = "", type = "", url = "http://www2.compute.dtu.dk/pubdb/pubs/4550-full.html", isbn_issn = "{CSEM} Technical Report 444" }