Algorithm 865: Fortran 95 subroutines for Cholesky factorization in block hybrid format

Fred G. Gustavson, John K. Reid, Jerzy Wasniewski

AbstractWe present subroutines for the Cholesky factorization of a positive-definite symmetric matrix and for solving corresponding sets of linear equations. They
exploit cache memory by using the block hybrid format proposed by the authors in a companion paper. The matrix is packed into $n(n+1)/2$ real variables, and the speed is usually better than that of the LAPACK algorithm that uses full storage ($n^2$ variables). Included are subroutines for rearranging a matrix whose upper or lower triangular part is packed by columns to this format and for the inverse rearrangement. Also included is a kernel subroutine that is used for the Cholesky factorization of the diagonal blocks since as is suitable for any positive-definite symmetric matrix that is small enough to be held in cache. We provide a comprehensive test program and simple example programs.
KeywordsCholesky algorithm, Fortran95 subroutines, Solution of linear system of equetions
TypeJournal paper [With referee]
JournalACM Transactions on Mathematical Software
Year2007    Month March    Vol. 33    No. 1    pp. 1-5
Publisher{ACM} Transactions on Mathematical Software
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IMM Group(s)Scientific Computing