@PHDTHESIS\{IMM2005-04013, author = "D. D. Gomez", title = "Development of an image based system to objectively score the severity of phoriasis", year = "2005", school = "Informatics and Mathematical Modelling, Technical University of Denmark, {DTU}", address = "Richard Petersens Plads, Building 321, {DK-}2800 Kgs. Lyngby", type = "", note = "Supervised by Assoc. Prof. Bjarne Ersb{\o}ll, and Assoc. Prof. Jens Michael Carstensen.", url = "http://www2.compute.dtu.dk/pubdb/pubs/4013-full.html", abstract = "The objective of this thesis is to provide a possible solution to one of the current problems in dermatology: the lack of suitable methods to objectively evaluate the severity of dermatological lesions. An image based system is developed with the goal of automatically obtaining summarization values that characterize the lesion and help to track the evolution of the disease. The thesis starts by analyzing an accurate type of equipment with which collect dermatological images. Later, a method to segment the different areas embedded in dermatological lesions is developed. Results of the segmentation task will be used to obtain values that characterize the lesion. The last part of the thesis considers the possibility of including more bands in the analysis in order to increase the accuracy of the proposed method. In Danish: Form{\aa}let med denne afhandling er at give en mulig l{\o}sning til aktuelle problemstillinger inden for dermatologi: manglen p{\aa} brugbare metoder til objektivt at vurdere graden af dermatologiske l{\ae}sioner. Et billedbaseret system er udviklet med det form{\aa}l automatisk at opn{\aa} en serie v{\ae}rdier, som karakteriserer l{\ae}sionen og hj{\ae}lper til at f{\o}lge sygdommens udvikling. I afhandlingen analyseres f{\o}rst en type pr{\ae}sicionsapparat med hvilket de dermatologiske billeder er taget. Derefter udvikles en metode til at segmentere de forskellige omr{\aa}der, som l{\ae}sionerne best{\aa}r af. Resultatet af denne segmentering vil blive brugt til at uddrage v{\ae}rdier, der karakteriserer l{\ae}sionen. I den sidste del af afhandlingen unders{\o}ges muligheden for at inkludere flere farveb{\aa}nd i analysen for at {\o}ge n{\o}jagtigheden af den beskrevne metode." }