Development of an overture/VDM++ tool set for Eclipse

Jacob Porsborg Nielsen, Jens Kielsgaard Hansen

AbstractIn this project a kernel for an Overture Tool Set supporting OML (Over-ture Modelling Language) has been developed. OML is very similar to the formal specification language VDM++. The Overture Tool Set is based on the Eclipse framework, which means that the tools integrate with an Eclipse based editor. The kernel provides functionality for parsing an OML spec-ification and storing the information in an AST (Abstract Syntax Tree), reconstructing source code from the AST, and importing and exporting this AST representation to XML. The kernel is extensible so that further functionality can be added to the Overture Tool Set without changing the kernel implementation. This feature is implemented using the plug-in structure of Eclipse and Visitor Design Patterns. Furthermore, three 'proof of concept' plug-ins have been developed one for exporting a simple OML specification to an UML class diagram, one for importing a simple UML class diagram to OML, and one to show that the kernel can handle refactoring of an AST. The report documents analysis, design, implementation, test, and how the kernel can be extended.
KeywordsOverture, OML, VDM++, Eclipse, tool set, kernel, parser, AST, XML.
TypeMaster's thesis [Academic thesis]
PublisherInformatics and Mathematical Modelling, Technical University of Denmark, DTU
AddressRichard Petersens Plads, Building 321, DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby
NoteSupervised by Assoc. Prof. Anne Haxthausen, and Assoc. Prof. Hans Bruun
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IMM Group(s)Computer Science & Engineering