ARTS: A System-Level Framework for Modeling MPSoC Components and Analysis of their Causality | Shankar Mahadevan, Michael Storgaard, Jan Madsen, Kashif Munir Virk
| Abstract | Designing complex heterogeneousmultiprocessor Systemon-
Chip (MPSoC) requires support for modeling and analysis
of the different layers i.e. application, operating system
(OS) and platform architecture. This paper presents an abstract
system-level modeling framework, called ARTS, to support
the MPSoC designers in modeling the different layers
and understanding their causalities. While others have developed
tools for static analysis and modeled limited correlations
(processor-memory or processor-communication), our
model captures the impact of dynamic and unpredictable OS
behaviour on processor, memory and communication performance.
In particular, we focus on analyzing the impact of
application mapping on the processor and memory utilization
taking the on-chip communication latency into account.
A case-study of real-time multimedia application consisting
of 114 tasks on a 6-processor platform for a handheld terminal
shows our frameworks co-exploration capabilities. | Type | Conference paper [With referee] | Conference | 13th IEEE International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (MASCOTS) | Year | 2005 Month September | Publisher | IEEE Computer Society | BibTeX data | [bibtex] | IMM Group(s) | Computer Science & Engineering |