Customer-Relationship Management System til Teknologisk Institut

Maria Miland Elmvang

Abstract(Report language: Danish)

In order for a company to have as effective an interaction with their customers as possible, it is important that information about their customers are saved and stored in an easily accessable manner. One way to do this is through the Customer- Relationship Management(CRM) system. The data are stored in a database and accessed through e.g. webpages.

The Danish Institute of Technology(DTI) were in possession of such a database used for storing information about customers. Among other things this information included name and address of customers, which projects DTI had previously been involved with in their dealings with the customers, and which special offers or rebates the customer was entitled to. The data were used both in order to give the customer a better experience when contacting DTI, because DTI would already be aware of who they were talking to, and in order for DTI to have a clear view of which customers they currently had. The program used to access the data and maintain it (a ectionately nicknamed 'Benny') was unfortunately not as e ective or user-friendly as one could have wished. Therefore I was asked to write a new version of the program, through which maintenance of the data would be an easier task.

I knew very little about CRM systems before starting the assignment and therefore had to research the topic before being able to start the actual implementation. As the program I was to write was supposed to be an alternative to the program already in existence I put a lot of focus on user-participation to make sure that the program I ended up with, actually fulfilled the requirements the end users had to the program. Through interviews I determined that the most important demands to the program were as follows:

- easy and fast navigation
- intuitive search
- the ability to see forecasts for projects
- intuitive 'update' and 'edit' functions

Based on these and other demands I determined a requirement specification the program should adhere to. From this I was able to make various use cases and thus design the program's functionality.

My contact at DTI was well aware that I had a limited amount of time available for this project, and therefore asked that the program easily could be developed further by other programmers. He therefore asked me to create ASP.NET pages using C# so other pages could easily be added at a later time.

I ended up with a total of only five webpages: The front page, which is a combined search page, where the most common search fields for 'companies', 'contacts' and 'projects' could be used; three specific pages for 'companies', 'contacts' and projects', where one can make an advanced search, add new elements to the database or update ones already there; and finally a page for viewing the forecasts of various employees at DTI.

It is my impression that while my program has fewer functionalities than the original program, I have fulfilled the demands set to me by the end users in that where the two programs do share functionality, the program I have written is faster to use. I am confident that the end users will share this opinion.
TypeMaster's thesis [Industrial collaboration]
PublisherInformatics and Mathematical Modelling, Technical University of Denmark, DTU
AddressRichard Petersens Plads, Building 321, DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby
NoteVejledere: Jens Thyge Kristensen og Hans Bruun
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IMM Group(s)Computer Science & Engineering