Nikolaj Marsk Andersen

AbstractThis report contains an UML model of a booking system for the ferry industry. The model is a combination of current activities in the ferry company BornholmsTrafikken and additional requirements from same. The purpose of the model is to suggest the development of a new booking system for BornholmsTrafikken and other ferry companies.

The booking systems in the ferry industry today do not provide the functionality required by modern companies. The old systems were developed for specific products and specific customers. Today the demand is flexibility in both product range and functionality.

Current activities and business rules are gathered from an interview with BornholmsTrafikken which results in a domain description. The description leads to the creation of entity classes which are visualized in a class diagram.

The activities are described in detailed use case descriptions. The use cases are also visualized in a number of sequence diagrams. The sequence diagrams show the message passing between entity, control, and boundary classes. These messages are later described in detail.

Finally a database model is suggested for storing information in the booking system. The relational database layer provides integration with other systems which require read access to information. An additional application layer should be provided, if other systems should require write access to the information.

The class, sequence, and database diagrams result in a system model which shows the ability to extend the range of products and services which is not possible in the current system. The model also provides possibility to create different users and customers in the system. Because the model shows great flexibility different ferry companies can use this model to develop a new booking system. This could result in a joint venture between smaller companies who could split the costs.
TypeMaster's thesis [Academic thesis]
PublisherInformatics and Mathematical Modelling, Technical University of Denmark, DTU
AddressRichard Petersens Plads, Building 321, DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby
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IMM Group(s)Computer Science & Engineering