@PHDTHESIS\{IMM2003-02822, author = "H. Aan{\ae}s", title = "Methods for Structure from Motion", year = "2003", school = "Informatics and Mathematical Modelling, Technical University of Denmark, {DTU}", address = "Richard Petersens Plads, Building 321, {DK-}2800 Kgs. Lyngby", type = "", note = "Supervised by Associate Professor Rasmus Larsen", url = "http://www2.compute.dtu.dk/pubdb/pubs/2822-full.html", abstract = "Structure from motion, the problem of estimating {3D} structure from {2D} images hereof, is one of the most popular and well studied problems within computer vision. In part because it is academically interesting, but also because it holds a wealth of commercially very interesting prospects, e.g. within entertainment, reverse engineering and architecture. This thesis is a study within this area of structure from motion. The result of the work, which this thesis represents is the development of new methods for addressing some of the problems within the field. Mainly in robustifying the factorization approach, relaxing the rigidity constrains, and in considering alternative ways of solving the surface estimation problem. In Danish: Structure from motion problematikken besk{\ae}ftiger sig med at estimere {3D} struktur fra {2D} afbildninger heraf. Denne problemstilling er en af de mest popul{\ae}re og velstuderede inden for coputer vision. Dette skyldes tildels, at den er akademisk interessant, men ogs{\aa} at den har et stort kommercielt potientiale. Denne afhandling er rapporteringen af et studie inden for dette omr{\aa}de, structure from motion. Dette studie har resulteret i udviklingen af nye metoder til at im{\o}dekomme nogle af de problemer, der er inden for omr{\aa}det. Hovedsagligt drejer dette sig om at g{\o}re de s{\aa}kaldte faktoriserings metoder mere robuste, at unders{\o}ge hvorledes stivheds antagelsen kan bl{\o}des op samt at unders{\o}ge alternative m{\aa}der at l{\o}se overflade-estimerings-problemet p{\aa}." }