@MASTERSTHESIS\{IMM2003-02801, author = "J. K. Christiansen and K. P. Olsen", title = "Produktionen af geografiske data", year = "2003", keywords = "geographical information, {GIS,} production, specification, quality, topology, quality rules, automation", school = "Informatics and Mathematical Modelling, Technical University of Denmark, {DTU}", address = "Richard Petersens Plads, Building 321, {DK-}2800 Kgs. Lyngby", type = "", note = "Supervisor: Ole Jacobi", url = "http://www2.compute.dtu.dk/pubdb/pubs/2801-full.html", abstract = "Form{\aa}let med dette projekt er at opstille en model som beskriver produktionen af geografiske data. Modellen giver indsigt i hvordan det sikres, at produktet overholder de krav, der stilles i specifikationen, under produktionen. Ved hj{\ae}lp af modellen unders{\o}ges det desuden, hvordan produktionen kan effektiviseres, og hvordan produktets kvalitet kan forbedres. For at belyse problemstillingen er relevante teoretiske emner beskrevet. Her gives bl.a. en beskrivelse af, hvordan det er muligt at modellere den virkelige verden, og hvordan s{\aa}danne modeller kan h{\aa}ndteres i forbindelse med geografiske informations systemer og databaser. Derudover beskrives det, hvilke typer af fejl der kan opst{\aa} under produktionen af geografiske data, samt hvordan omfanget af fejl kan dokumenteres. Det er vigtigt, at denne dokumentation er entydig, n{\aa}r det skal vurderes, hvor brugbart et produkt er. Ligesom det er vigtigt, at produktets kvalitet beskrives p{\aa} flere niveauer. Ved hj{\ae}lp af en r{\ae}kke kvalitetselementer, er det muligt at vurdere kvaliteten af det samlede produkt. I rapporten beskrives produktionen af geografiske data som best{\aa}ende af fire overordnede processer. Dette indbefatter en udarbejdelse af en specifikation, som produktet kan produceres efter, en fortolkning af et datagrundlag, samt en intern og ekstern kontrol. Udarbejdelsen af specifikationen best{\aa}r i at definere de regler, der skal overholdes i forbindelse med produktionen. Disse regler er af forskellig karakter, og benyttes under fortolkningen samt de to kontroller. Fortolkningen skal ske p{\aa} baggrund af fortolkningsreglerne fra specifikationen. Herved er det muligt at registrere et objekt ud fra et givet datagrundlag. Dette objekt kan efterf{\o}lgende kontrolleres, i den interne kontrol, vha. blandt andet de topologiske regler, der ligeledes stammer fra specifikationen. N{\aa}r alle objekter har gennemg{\aa}et den interne kontrol, kontrolleres hele det producerede datas{\ae}t under den eksterne kontrol. Her sammenlignes datas{\ae}ttet med en reference, og resultatet af denne sammenligning, m{\aa}les i forhold til kvalitetskravene fra specifikationen. I rapporten er der ligeledes beskrevet en metode til at automatisere dele af den interne kontrol. Herved forbedres produktet og produktionen g{\o}res mere effektiv, hvilket er m{\aa}let med projektet. In English: The aim of this report is to define a model that outlines the production of geographical data. This model reveals how to ensure that the product fulfils all rules and demands that are stated in the specification, during the production. By means of the model, it is also studied, how to make the production more efficient, and how to improve the quality of the product. Extensive research on relevant theory has been carried out. It is outlined how it is possible to model the real world, and how such models can be implemented in Geographical Information Systems and databases. It is also stated which types of errors that typical arises during the production of geographical data, and how the number of errors can be substantiated. When one wants to analyse the practical use of the product it is important that this substantiate is unambiguous. It is also important that the product is described on several levels. This is done by the use of a number of quality elements, which makes it possible to put a value on the quality of the product. In this report the production of geographical data is stated as a process of four stages. The first stage is the preparation of the specification, which defines the production of the product. Second stage encloses an interpretation of data. The last to stages is respectively an internal and an external control. The preparation of the specification consists in defining the rules that the product needs to fulfill. These rules differ widely, and are all useful at the last three stages of the production. The interpretation of data is carried out by the use of the interpretation rules that are defined in the specification. This makes it possible to register an object from the given data. It is then, in the internal control, controlled whether this object e.g. observances the topological rules. These rules are also defined in the specification. When all objects have undergone the internal control, then the whole product must go through the external control. The external control compares the product with a known reference, and the result of this comparison, is assessed to the rules of quality, which are defined in the specification. This report also outlines a method which automates part of the internal control. This improves the product and makes the production easier, which is the objective of this report." }