Scanning and modelling of 3D objects

Jan Sternberg

AbstractThe work documented in this thesis is initiated by inspiration from the vision project at Danisco Development Center in Nakskov and the interest for 3D modelling at IMM.

Danisco is currently investigating the possibilities for the introduction of machine vision for the purpose of automatic classification, volume estima-tion, and top percentage estimation of sugar beets.

Ordinary 2D image analysis methodologies have been deployed, but for further enhancements the concept of 3D vision has been introduced. In the initial state of the project it has been of interest to obtain full scale 3D models of sugar beets for an investigation of geometric shape properties helpful for segmenting larger conglomerates of beets. A primary goal for investigating shape properties of sugar beets is also to estimate the location of the top slice.

This report deals with the construction of a laser scanner which is used to obtain 3D coordinate sets describing an object. The scanner is build using off-the-shelf components and is therefore constructed within a very limited budget.

The performance of the apparatus is investigated, and it is deployed in scanning a number of sugar beets. Data handling of the raw data is con-ducted for the formation of range images and to enable the usage of 3D visualization tools.

Finally some preliminary investigations on the shape properties of sugar beets are conducted.
Keywords3D modelling, sugar beets, shape properties, laser scanner, triangulation, camera calibration
TypeMaster's thesis [Academic thesis]
PublisherInformatics and Mathematical Modelling, Technical University of Denmark, DTU
AddressRichard Petersens Plads, Building 321, DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby
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IMM Group(s)Image Analysis & Computer Graphics