Summer School on Registration in Image Analysis and Computer Graphics

The summer school will give you 2.5 ECTS. To get the ECTS you must:
- Participate in a workshop on May 15th from 13 to 15
- Participate in the summer school June 5 - 8, 2012
- Present a poster on the summer school
The workshop will be on May 15th from 13 to 15 at DTU Informatics, building 305, room 053 (in the basement).
(see map here).
The workshop is mandatory for internal participants, and recommended for external participants.
It is required to bring and present a poster of your curent work at the summer school.
Please send a email to Ulla Jensen with the title and a pdf of your poster no later than Friday June 1st. The poster will be put on this homepage.
The summer school is organised in collaboration between The Image Group, Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen, the Image Analysis and Computer Graphics section, DTU Informatics, Technical University of Denmark, the ITMAN graduate school programme at DTU Informatics, and the PhD School of Science University of Copenhagen.
- Stefan Sommer (DIKU), sommer(a)
- Dina Riis Egholm (DIKU), dinariis(a)
- Oline Vinter Olesen (DTU Informatics), ovol(a)
- Ulla Jensen (DTU Informatics), ulje(a)
Registration and practical matters
We have room for a limited number of people, only 50 persons this year. Registration and practical matters regarding the summer school, please contact:
- Dina Riis Egholm (DIKU) dinariis(a)
Registration is closed!
The price for participating in the summer school (June 5-8) is DKK 4000 (app. EUR 540). This includes accommodation, food, bus travel from Copenhagen and back, plus great social activities the whole week.
Payment is done by wire transfer to the following account:
Danske Bank
Registration number: 3001
Account number: 4115212125
The payment should be marked: Falsterbo 2012 analysis number 510000-10-5100064
Remember your full name with the payment
Note: Participants from IMM, DTU and DIKU will pay by invoice. Please ask Dina Riis Egholm for further information.
International money transfers:
Payment in (DKK) Danish Kroner to:
Danske Bank IBAN: DK4130004115212125
Danske Bank
Holmens Kanal afdeling
Holmens Kanal 2
DK-1092 Copenhagen K
The payment should be marked: Falsterbo 2012 analysis number 10-5100064
Remember your full name with the payment