PSM.simulate {PSM}R Documentation

Create simulation data for multiple individuals


Simulates data for multiple individuals in a mixed effects model based on stochastic differential equations using an euler scheme.


PSM.simulate(Model, Data, THETA, deltaTime, longX=TRUE) 


Model A list containing the model components either Linear or Non-Linear Model list.*
Data List with elements described below. No Data$Y is needed as it is generated through the simulation. The number of individuals simulated is equal to length(Data).
Time vector
Input list for the Model
Covariates list
THETA Vector of population parameters
deltaTime Time Step in the Euler scheme
longX Boolean. Toggles output of the entire simulated outcome of the states

* See description in PSM.estimate.


The eta is drawn from the multivariate normal distribution N(0,OMEGA). The simulation is an euler based method but for every time interval dt the model is predicted and the states affected by system noise (SIG).

The measurements are added an normal error term belonging to N(0,S).

The function mvrnorm from the MASS pacakge is used to to generate random numbers fra multivariate normal distributions.


The simulated outcome of the model is returned in a list, where each element is the data for an individual.

X Simulated states sampled at time points for measurements
Y Simulated measurements
Time Time points for measurements
U Input vector used in the simulation
eta The random effects used in the simulation
Dose The dose list used in the simulation
longX Entire outcome of simulated states
longTime Time points for longX.


For further details please also read the package vignette pdf-document by writing vignette("PSM") in R.


Stig B. Mortensen and Søren Klim


Please visit or refer to the help page for PSM.

See Also

PSM, PSM.estimate, PSM.smooth, PSM.plot, PSM.template


cat("\nExamples are included in the package vignette.\n")

[Package PSM version 0.8-3 Index]