Latest information
We will bring cell phones for the summer school. You can contact Ulla Jensen on +45 52 83 94 89 and Dina Riis Johannessen (Lauge Sørensen on Sunday) can be contacted on +45 24 48 25 24.
The summer school is fully booked.
From July 25 to August 14, Lauge Sørensen ( should be contacted regarding registration and practical matters.
Summer School on Graphs in Computer Graphics, Image and Signal Analysis
Graphs offer the combination of simplicity in representation and power to describe very complicated models. Graph structures can therefore be identified in numerous fields of research, and in the image analysis, computer graphics and signal analysis fields even more so.

For the summer school we have invited 4 distinguished researchers to give lectures, namely Martin Reuter, Marcello Pelillo, Michael Gleicher, and Ali Shokoufandeh. All have a strong experience in the topic of the summer school. Martin Reuter used and developed spectral graph methods for medical shape analysis and matching, Marcello Pelillo has made contributions to the theory on the interplay between graph theory and game theory for graph matching, Michael Gleicher has shown how human motion can be parameterized using graphs, and Ali Shokoufandeh developed shock graphs which can be used in computer graphics to detect if objects are colliding. There will also be four lectures given by members of the research groups at DTU Informatics and DIKU.
We expect the students to finish the course with an apprehension of the variety of forms graph structures take, and that they will have acquired useful tools to analyze these structures. Many methods exist for analyzing the (identified) graph representation, and another goal of the summer school is that the students should learn to identify graph structures in their own work. This is emphasized by a special exercise aiming at that, and a plenum session with all the invited experts discussing future perspectives for the methods. Some important graph structures that are covered in this summer school are described here.
Ph.D. ECTS: You will get 2.5 ECTS just from participating. You can get an additional 2.5 ECTS if you present a poster at the summer school and write a small report on how the topics covered in the course relate to your own Ph.D. project. That is, in total you can get 5 ECTS for the summer school.
The summer school is organised in collaboration between The Image Group, Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen, the Image Analysis and Computer Graphics section, DTU Informatics, Technical University of Denmark, the ITMAN graduate school programme at DTU Informatics, the DCAMM International Graduate Research School, and the PhD School of Science University of Copenhagen.
- Lauge Sørensen (DIKU),
- Michaels Sass Hansen (DTU Informatics),
- Anders Lindbjerg Dahl (DTU Informatics),
Registration and practical matters
We have room for a limited number of people (70 persons) and we still have room for a few participants. Registration and practical matters regarding the summer school, please contact:
- Dina Riis Johannessen (DIKU)
- (From July 25 to August 14, contact Lauge Sørensen (DIKU)
Last years summer school on Iceland and previous years summer school on Hven.