Ph.D. School in Optimization in Computer Vision
As part of the ITMAN graduate school, we at the Technical University of Denmark have the privilege of putting together a week long Ph.D. school with emphasis on the recent developments in optimization in computer vision. To give this course, we have invited:
- Prof. Richard Hartley from the Department of Systems Engineering, RSISE, Australian National University.
- Prof. Philip H. S. Torr from the Brookes Computer Vision Group, Oxford Brookes University.
- Dr. Fredrik Kahl, from Lund Institute of Technology, Lund University.
- Prof. Lieven Vandenberghe, Electrical Engineering Department, University of California Los Angeles.
- Dr. Henrik Aanæs, Informatics and Mathematical Modelling, Technical University of Denmark.
News update:
The requirements for the school’s completion have been updated.
The school is officially closed for registration. For late registration please contact us via email:
The two common dinners will be held on Monday the 19th of May and Thursday the 22th of May on campus after the excercise sessions.
All exercises will be uploaded on the website soon.
The complete syllabus for the course can be found here: OCV2008_references.pdf.