Sumatra Changelog
2.2.1 Released (November 29, 2021)
- Lots of more or less documented changes.
- Compiled versus VTK 9.1, Visual Studio 2022.
- Compiled with VTK 8.2.0 and GEL from GIT (Dec 2019)
- Now writes vertex RGB colors in PLY files
- Can save to VTK XMl file format (*.vtp)
- Can now read BND point files (BU-3DFE landmarks)
- Can now read WRL files with texture - but only take the first actor
2.1.0 Released ()
- Added a remesh dialog. It is now possible to directly remesh a well-formed mesh. The target edge lengths can either be specified as a uniform value or be specified as the scalar values on the input surface.
- Added a possibility to visualise normals where two adjacent faces have opposing normals (in visualise normals menu point)
- Target edge lengths can now be specified as scalars on source surface when using Markov Random Field Surface Reconstruction
- Scalar filtering dialog added. Currently, only a simple average filter is implemented
- Scalar threshold moved to be a submenu under the scalars menu
2.0.0 Released (January 27, 2014)
- x64 release only
- Markov Random Field surface reconstruction: Multi-core in distance computations and regularisation steps
- Markov Random Field surface reconstruction: Internal changes in optimisation steps means that results might be slightly different from results produced with previous versions
- Both in ICP and in compare the tolerance in the check for if a point is on an edge on the target was set to 0.1. The tolerance is now computed as half the median of the interpoint distance of the target.
- Textured surfaces are now drawn using bilinear interpolation instead of nearest neighbour.
- Point picker () now resizes to fit the picked actor size. It can also handle multi-component scalars. For example RGB scalars.
1.4.0 Released (December 5, 2012)
- A merge all points function is now implemented. It takes all inputs and merges them. They need to contain the same information (normals, scalars etc)
- Can now read raw txt files with 9 components (x y z nx ny nz R G B). R,G, B needs to be between 0 and 1
- *.txt files are now the same as *.pts files. If you want to read RAW 3dMD files rename them to *.3dmtxt
- MRFSurface is now based on a new version of GEL. Some slight updates are done. In particular the remeshing of edge triangles is improved.
- Meshlab XML landmark files (*.pp) can now be read as points.
- The marker sphere can now be resize using CTRL+ and CTRL-
- Can now read multi-texture OBJ files. They are split into several surfaces with each their texture
- Fixed major memory leak when computing neighbourhood statistics. Used in MRFSurface reconstruction and PCA normals.
1.3.3 Released (November 18, 2010)
- Bug fix: Merging points no longer crashes if no normals are present.
- Bug fix: No longer crashes if MRF surface reconstruction is used with no normals and set in a mode that uses normals.
1.3.2 Released (September 3, 2010)
- MRFSurface reconstruction: An aggresively cut surface is now computed in addition. Closed holes will be cut away.
- Several parameters added to PCA normals.
1.3.1 Released (August 23, 2010)
- Now load *.pts files (ascii X Y Z )
- The q and the e key does not longer cause Sumatra to exit
- The cut plane can now be used to create a mirror image of a shape
- Slight update of instructions.
- Point Cloud Subsampling added
- MRF Surface reconstruction: Max number of points to use, points per normal, points per distance, triangle size factor.
1.3 Released (March 17, 2010)
- Possible to change the colorbar colors (options | scalarbar)
- Simple Sumatra.ini file supplied with a few values that can be set as defaults (background color, scalarbar color, point size)
- The iterative closest point (ICP) algorithm can now exclude points falling on the edge of the target surface. This is necessary when aligning surface patches that are not 100% overlapping.
- Fixed minor bug in ICP (source surface with pre-transform transformed)
- The help menu now brings up a message box pointing to the very short intro in the html file.
1.2.4 Released (March 7, 2010)
- Compare can now exclude points from the source falling on the edge of the target.
- Fixed a minor bug with MRF surface reconstruction. For some input types an empty error message would appear.
- Can now write PLY files
- Updated PCA normals and moved it to the normals sub-menu
- Fixed a minor bug with visualise normals
- Window name is now changed to the name of the latest surface read
- Migrated to the vector based GEL
1.2.3 Released (November 16, 2009)
- Consistency on in all vtkNormals computations. Has some impact on the MRF surfacer with type 3 (mesh).
- Visualise normals now create normals that have a length that is 1% of the bounding box diagonal (of the mesh)
1.2.1 Released (October 26, 2009)
- Possible to create normals using the camera as the reference.
- More flexible .dat and .csv readers (can now read normals and
scalars together f.ex.)
- Much more options for the MRF surface reconstructor.
1.2 Released (October, 2009)
- Point picking
- Reads and displays textures
- Reads 3DmD raw txt files
- Markov Random Field Surface Reconstruction
- Reads (X,Y,Z) .dat files
1.1 Released (June 13, 2008)
- Scalars can be removed using options dialog.
- Predefined camera positions.
- Load and save of camera.
- Animation of modes of displacement. Can be shown on screen or
dumped to AVI or BMP files.
Rasmus R. Paulsen 2008-2016