MRFSurface Changelog
3.9.6 Released (Marts 30, 2021)
- Fixed a bug in unsigned distance remeshing. If a point was outside the field, crazy values would be present in the output.
- Fixed an issue where sometimes the edges of the volume would be created as iso-surfaces due to an issue with vtkSampleFunction. Now the trianglefactor (option x) works slightly differently internally.
3.9.5 Released (February 23, 2021)
- The initial iso-value when meshing unsigned distance fields can now be specified with the -I parameter. Turned out it was very difficult to compute and automatic iso-value.
3.9.4 Released (February 22, 2021)
- When meshing unsigned distance fields the initial iso-value is now =1.0 * pixel spacing instead of 0.5 * pixel spacing (that created holes)
3.9.3 Released (February 20, 2021)
- More bug fixes in unsigned distance fields.
- Can now both mesh MetaImage (mhd) and Nifti (NII) volumes. Seems that using mhd better respects the coordinate systems.
3.9.1 Released (February 8, 2021)
- Bug fixes in unsigned distance fields.
- When supplying a mesh (type 5) for unsigned distance fields a vtkCellLocator is used
3.9.0 Released (January 24, 2021)
- Initial try on unsigned distance fieldset (use -u and -p 0) (Does not work well with Laplacian prior currently).
- Meshing the true surface in the unsigned distance field is not finished but somethings gets out
3.8.0 not Released
- Padding now actually work (before a default value of 5 was always used)
- Now writes the distance field as a nifti file as well as an metaimage file
3.7.1 Released (February 4, 2020)
- Compiled with VS 2019, VTK 8.2 and GEL from GIT (snapshot december 2019)
- Bug fixes in remeshing. No longer causes NaN values in tangential relaxation
- If no extension is given on output, no output surfaces are written. Usefull in combination with option F so only the regularised distance field is written.
3.7.0 Released (January 8, 2020)
- Released as a zip file
- Compiled with VS 2017, VTK 8.2 and GEL from GIT (snapshot december 2019)
- If just given a nifti (*.nii) file as input it will extract the zero-level iso-surface and remesh it
- New parameter E can be used to specify target edge length when re-meshing (if -1 the value is automatically computed)
3.1.0 Released (February 27, 2014)
- A new parameter P can be used to control the amount of pad voxels in the distance field (default 5)
3.0.0 Released (January 27, 2014)
- x64 build only
- Multi-core in distance computations and regularisation steps
- Internal changes in optimisation steps means that results might be slightly different from results produced with previous versions
2.3.1 Released (January 14, 2013)
- Can handle reference surfaces with no active markings (no points)
- Visualises landmarks as spheres in landmark guided registration
- Improved re-texturing
2.3 Released (January 10, 2013)
- Can retexture surfaces if input files are OBJ files
2.2 Released (December 11, 2012)
- Can now read an XML settings file for doing surface alignment. Documentation will come (or ask me)
- Fixed major memory leak when computing neighbourhood statistics. Used in MRFSurface reconstruction and PCA normals.
2.1 Released (October 29, 2010)
- Includes alignment. Described in “Anatomically Plausible Surface Alignment and Reconstruction” R. Paulsen, R. Larsen. Eurographics conference on Theory and Practice of Computer Graphics 2010.
- Several new parameters:
- m : Max number of points to use
- N : Points per normal in normal estimation
- D : Points used per distance estimate in a voxel
- x : Triangle size factor (<1 fewer and larger triangles, 1> more and smaller triangles)
- g : Apply aggresive cropping
1.0 Initial release
Rasmus R. Paulsen 2008-2020