Succinct Solver


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Welcome to the home page of the Succinct Solver. The succinct solver is a tool for solving constrains specified by the Alternation-free Least Fixed Point Logic (ALFP) in clausal form, which is an extension of Horn Clause. The succinct solver is developed cooperatively by the group of Safe and Secure IT Systems at the Informatics and Mathematical Modelling department, Technical University of Denmark and the group of Program Languages and Compilers , at the Computer Science department,  University of Trier.

The Succinct Solver has been evolved from the earlier version (V1.0) which is based on the bounded finite universe that can be pre-computed directly from the clause of interest, to the extended version (V2.0) which considers unbounded universe that is dynamically expanded with the solving process. Both versions can be downloaded from the download page. For more information, please refer to the companion documents.

The Succinct Solver is a free tool for researchers and developers subject to the license.



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 Copyright (c) by IMM, Technical University of Denmark and CS, University of Trier.
Last updated: 20/10/06.