This is a short tutorial on how to use the Cygwin command prompt. Cygwin is a software package that allows Windows computers to run some UNIX software. UNIX is actually a trademark but is often used to describe a class of operating systems that is often found on larger systems such as server machines. Linux, Solaris, OpenBSD and FreeBSD are examples of UNIX operating systems. Cygwin is available on the databar machines and can also be downloaded from Apple MacOS and other operating systems, e.g. Atari Mint, also allows UNIX software to be compiled and run. Parts of this tutorial also applies to those operating systems.
Cygwin can be installed on the databar machines using the installation system. Double click on the "Installation of programs" icon. Select "Emulation" and then "Cygwin" in the appearing subcategory to start the installation. The computer will have to be restarted after the installation for the changes to take effect.
Once Cygwin is installed, you can access a Cygwin command prompt via the Windows menu.
Originally created by edited to be used with Cygwin, 19 October 2001