02232 - Applied Cryptography:
Project Work, Autumn 2017.

General Information

The project work accounts for 60% of the overall mark for the course. The project must be completed in a group of 3 students and a report, which documents the group's work, must be written.


Project Topics

The eight project topics are listed below. Please note that the scenario definition for you chosen project may not be complete, in which case you will have to complete it yourself. Any completion that does not significantly reduce the work involved in the project is acceptable.


Project 1: Online Elections

The goal of this project is to develop an online election system. The full project description is available here.


Project 2: Electronic Payments

The goal of this project is to develop an electronic payment system. The full project description is available here.


Project 3: Privacy Enhanced Access Control

The goal of this project is to develop an access control mechanism that respects the privacy of users. The full project description is available here.


Project 4: Secure Log Files on Insecure Servers

The goal of this project is to develop a mechanism that protects the integrity of data logs stored on insecure servers. The full project description is available here.


Project 5: Password Store

The goal of this project is to develop an online system to securely manage all the login and password combinations that the users need. The full project description is available here.


Project 6: RFID Tags

The goal of this project is to develop an authentication mechanism, based on light weight cryptography, for severely resource constrained environments, such as RFID tags. The full project description is available here.


Project 7: Surveillance Camera

The goal of this project is to develop a privacy enhanced system to store the video feed from surveillance cameras. The full project description is available here.


Project 8: Public Transport

The goal of this project is to develop a payment/subscription scheme for public transport systems that respects the privacy of travellers. The full project description is available here.


Project 9: Cryptographic Handshake and Device Pairing

The goal of this project is to design, and evaluate a system for device pairing, i.e., simultaneous generation of a shared secret on two mobile devices that can be used to generate a shared secret-key for symmetric cryptography. The full project description is available here.


Project 10: Sensor Networks

The goal of this project is to secure the data transmission between nodes in a sensor network by choosing a suitable cryptography solution and key establishment mechanism that requires as little resources of the nodes as possible. The full project description is available here.