02224  Modelling and Analysis of Real-Time Systems - Guide to Simulting your Program
Technical University of Denmark DTU
02224 Modelling and Analysis of Real-Time Systems        Spring 2024
Guide to Simulting your Program

When you have implemented your control strategy in Java, you may like to debug it on a simulator of the LEGO contruction, perhaps before testing it on the physical setup (separate instructions will appear later).

Note that you should not use the simulator for verifying your control strategy (this must be done at the UPPAAL level). Use it only to discover flaws in your Java coding.

The Simulator

The simulator is given as Java package bagsortsim which is accessed by the control program through classes corresponding to those of the Lejos RCX environment (package josx.platform.rcx on lejos.sourceforge.net)

The simulator provides the following RCX-classes:

Only the classes and methods described in the assignment paper are fully implemented.

Other classes are not fully implemented or not provided at all as they are not strictly necessary for the proper operation of the control program.

For convenience, the simulator also provides the josx.util.Timer class which may be used for periodic timing.

The Simulator is set up and controlled by the methods:

Static method that obtains a singleton instance of the simulator.
Method to start the simulation engine. Should be called before the control algorithm is started.
boolean checkin(no,color)
Puts a bag at Checkin no (1 or 2). The color may be either BagSortSim.BLACK or BagSortSim.YELLOW. If a bag is already present in the sensor section a, the method returns false and a message is displayed.

If the simulation parameter Respect activation is enabled, bags cannot be checked in if the sensor is not activated and are ignored with a warning message

If the simulation parameter Max 1 on feed belt is enabled, only a single bag is allowed at a feed belt at a time. Checkins done while a bag is present at the feed belt (i.e. sections a and b) are ignored with a warning message.

The bag is placed ahead of the sensor as specified by the simultation parameter min bag separation.

The checkin operation may be used by a dispatcher thread to provide a specific scenario as an alternative to the manual operation.

void setActiveCheck(on)
Sets whether the activation state of the censor (i.e. the red LED light) should influence the checkin or not. Should be set by the simulation driver program according to the assumptions made by the control program. By default, the activation check is disabled.
void setFeedCheck(on)
Sets whether more than one bag on a feed belt at a time is prohibited or not. Should be set by the simulation driver program according to the assumptions made by the control program. By default, the feed check is disabled. The feed belt is considered free as soon as a bag starts entering section c.
void setSeparation(int mm)
Sets the distance in front of the sensor at which bags are to be put on the feed belt when checked in. Since a bag can be checked in only when the previous bag has left the sensor, this effectively determines the separation between bags. The value may range between 0 and 80 [millimeters]. The default separation is 10 mm.


The simulator does not model every aspect of the physical system. In particular:

The simulator generates WARNING messages when the control performs operations which are unlikely to be reliably modelled in UPPAAL (e.g. reversing the distribution belt).

If the simulator generates ERROR-messages during simulation, the simulation cannot be assumed to reflect the real system.

Using the Simulator

To see an example run of the simulator, fetch the simulator package  simulator.jar and try the command:

    java -jar simulator.jar

This will run an automated simulation of the SingleSort.java shown in the assignment notes.

To use the simulator for your own control program:

  1. Insert the jar-file into your Java CLASSPATH, or, alternatively, use command line option  -cp .:simulator.jar [or   -cp .;simulator.jar on Windows] to make the jar-file available when you compile and run your program.
  2. Alternatively, unpack the contents of the jar-file and import it into a new project of your favourite IDE, eg. IntelliJ.

  3. Write a small driver class which initializes the simulator and runs your control program. For an example see the program RunSimulation.java example program that comes with the jar-file.

    The driver program should set the simulation parameters according to the assumptions made by your control program.

  4. Compile and run your driver and control programs with the standard  javac   and  java  .
  5. You may manually put bags on the feed belts using the buttons. Alternatively, you may start up a dispatcher thread that checks in bags using the checkin(...) operation described above. In the provided example, the dispatcher thread Travellers adds bags randomly to one of the check-ins.

The simulator is mainly provided for your convenience and is not guaranteed to be flawless. If you experience any problems, you may contact HHL.

Hans Henrik Løvengreen, Mar 14, 2024