02162: Course on Software Engineering 2 (e14)

Tutorial presentations (November 4, 830- ca. 1030, 303A/45)

The tutorial presentations in the course Software Engineering 2 will be held on Tuesday, November 4 (in the slot of the lecture/project on that day). The presentations of the groups will be public for all other participants of the course. The presentations will be held in the usual lecture hall (303A/45), so there is a data projector (beamer), an overhead projector, and a blackboard available. Each group should bring their own laptop for the presentation and demo of the running software.


Here is the schedule for the presentations:

      830: Group A
      900: Group B
      930: Group C
    1000: Group D


Below, you will find some information on the tutorial presentation and what is expected from it.

  • The presentation should last about 20 minutes and every speaker of a presentation should speak at least about 5 minutes (remember that every member of the group should speak at least in one of the group's presentations). A part of the talk should be a demonstration of the running solutions of the assignment 1-6 (see below).


  • The presentation should achieve the following goals (not necessarily in the order below):
    • It should be shown that all assignments 1-6 are implemented and are running. Note that, when several tutorials build on each other, it is okay to demonstrate the last version only, but the concepts of all tutorials should be explained.
    • The main concepts and ideas for the solutions of the different assignments should explained and be discussed; it should be explained where these concepts were used in the group's implementation. You can also briefly explain in which kind of problems you ran in the different assignments-
    • The groups should discuss which concepts from the tutorials will be used in the group's project — for which purpose and in which way.


  • The group should be able to answer more technical questions on their implementation of the tutorials. These questions could, of course, be delegated to the group members who were responsible for the respective tutorial.



Ekkart Kindler (), Oct 20, 2014