02162: Course on Software Engineering 2 (e14)

Final project presentations

The final project presentations in the course Software Engineering 2 will be held on two different dates:

  • Tuesday, December 2, in lecture hall 303A/45 (open for all groups):

      945: Group B
    1030: Group C


  • Monday, December 15, in room 321.033:

    1015: Group A
    1100: Group D


All group members must be present at the final persentation. Please contact Ekkart Kindler right away, if this schedule would not work for you. Below, you will find some information on this presentation and what is expected from it.


The talk should be about 20-25 minutes, including a demo (see below); after the talk, there will be some questions (5-15 minutes). Please, remember that you need to make sure that every group member must have given a part of one of the three presentations (check that please).


The talk should cover the following things (not necessarily in that order):

  1. There should be a presentation of the functionality of the tool from the users' point of view. This could be a bit from the sales perspective (how easy is to set up a home security system and monitor your home); but do not overdo this. This part would be from the "WHAT" perspective.
  2. There should be a part that is more technical ("HOW" perspective); this part should talk about the architecture and design of the tool (of course on a higher level of abstraction); if you want (and time allows), you could also mention some interesting implementation detail (but do not dwell on that), and do not explain "standard stuff" of Java programming.
  3. There should be a demonstration of the prototype (feature complete prototype submission). You should show that the main functionality (see 1.) is working and demonstrate the tool from its best angle. This would also mean that you have an example prepared for that purpose.

    If you fixed some bugs from the feature complete prototype by the time of the presentation, it would be okay if you presented the updated version (in that case, your must clearly state that and point out which parts have been updated and make a taged version of the demonstrated tool and example available in the group's repository). It is recommended to do that only, if the "fix" is a major improvement.

  4. If your feature complete prototype is still lacking some features which you are going to implement in the final version, these should be named in the talk (e.g. with a slide summarizing these changes and issues). Also if you made significant changes with respect to your systems specification, you should point that out in your presentation.


Note that all parts of that presentation except the tool demo would typically be done with some powerpoint slides. The tool demo needs careful preparation (it needs to be "choreographed"), so that you present the capabilities of the tool in a concise and convicing way.


As audience, you should expect a manager who is more interested in what he, his company, and his customers will get or benefit from using your product than in its technical details. But, you should also expect an IT expert who will have a critical eye on the technical aspects, and whether the architecture and design make sense. The manager might not be able to follow that part — that is why he brings an IT expert, whom he will ask whether the technical part makes sense.


Ekkart Kindler (), Oct 20, 2014 (last updated Dec 1, 2014)