02162: Course on Software Engineering 2 (e14)

Early project presentations (Tuesday, October 21, 830, 303A/45)

The early project presentations in the course Software Engineering 2 will be held on Tuesday, October 21 in lecture hall 303A/45. We start at 830 with the private presentations (only Ekkart Kindler and the group participating) and then continue with the public presentations (public for all students of this course).


Here is the schedule (note that it is not yet clear whether the presentation of group B is public or private):

  830 Group C (private)
  900 Group B (private)
  930 Group D (public)
1000 Group A (public)


After the presentations and a break, the lecture (and project discussions) of that day will start (at about 1045).


Here, you will find some information on this presentation and what is expected from it.

  • The presentation should last about 20 minutes and every speaker of a presentation should speak at least about 5 minutes (remember that every member of the group should speak at least in one of the group's three presentations).


  • The presentation should be targeted at an audience that does not know anything of the project yet and address an audience that are not specifically software engineers (think of a manager who attends your presentation together with the head of his IT department).


  • The presentation should give a clear understanding of WHAT this project is about, its goal and objectives and the concrete functionality of the tool that you will develop (in non-technical terms — think of the manager). The manager should get a clear idea of what he will get. Moreover, the presentation should outline some first ideas of HOW the developed software will be realized: rough idea of the architecture and design and used technologies (this part can be a bit more technical, and could be focussed to the IT expert only).


  • The talks should take into account the guidelines for giving presentations. In part, it could be a "sales talk"; but the sales arguments should be substantiated in the more technical parts. The "customer" should be provided with the feeling that "your company" (your group) knows what it is doing — concerning the understanding of the product, its requirements and features as well as from the software development point of view.


  • After the presentation, there will be time (ca. 5 minutes) for some questions from a manager's as well as from a software engineer's point of view. Make sure that the way these questions are answered looks professional (general questions should be answered by one "speaker", but this "speaker" could direct more technical or detailed questions to an expert).
The presentation will be held in the usual lecture hall (303A/45). Please, make sure that your group shows up in time for the presentation. In this room, there are a data projector (beamer), an overhead projector, as well as a black board available. Each group should bring their own laptop for the presentation.


After the public presentations and a break at about 1045, there will be a combined lecture/project slot.


Ekkart Kindler (), Oct 10, 2014