Assembly Tutorial

Chapter 3

Written by MAD

Index of Chapter 3

Interrupts Can We Live Without Them?

Internal Hardware Interrupts

External Hardware Interrupts

Software Interrupts

Interrupt Table and TSR basics

How INT's are processed

Closing words

Next Chapter Previous Chapter

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Hello coder! Yup, you got it...the thirth part of this awesome tutorial.;) What are we going to discus? The Interrupt table!!! Yeah! I hope you read the previous parts, because I assume you know that stuff. Well, let's cut the crap, and get on with the new stuff!

Interrupts - Can we live without them?

Yeah, Yeah, Yeah...(like Pup says to Pacmeyer in PQ: SWAT;)) I know...the answer is simple: We CAN NOT! Altough some weird coders (including me;)) think they can bypass every single interrupt and address all hardware manually, don't let them foul you! Don't feel embarresed when you use int's.;) I feel kinda funny today...:) But apparently I'm not...okay, back to serious mode.

When the CPU detects an interrupt signal, it stops the current activity and jumps to a special routine, called an interrupt handler. This handler then detects why the interrupt occured and takes the appropiate action. When the handler is finished executing this action, it jumps back to the interrupted process. Several levels or "types" of interrupts are supported, ranging from 0 to 255. Each type has a reserved memory location, called an interruptvector. The interruptvector points to the appropiate interrupt handler. When two or more interrupts occure at the same time, the CPU uses a priority system. The CPU can also disable interrupts during crucial parts in a program. It can be done per level, but usually all interrupts are disabled. When the CPU executes an interrupt handler, all interrupts with the same or lower priority are disabled until the handler has finished. This means that even an interrupt handler can be interrupted by an interrupt with a higher priority level. The 256 priority levels supported by the Intel 80x86-processors can be split into three categories:

1) Internal hardware-interrupts
2) External hardware-interrupts
3) Software-interrupts

I'll explain these three types below.

Internal Hardware-Interrupts

Internal hardware-interrupts are the result of certain situations that occure during the execution of a program, eg. divide by zero. The interrupt levels attached to each situation are stored in hardware and can not be changed.




Divide by zero
Single Step
BOUND limit passed
Invalid opcode
Processor extension not available
Double exception
Segment limit passed
Invalid task status segment
Segment not present
Stacksegment limit passed
General protection error
Page fault
Math coprocesst error







External Hardware-Interrupts

External hardware-interrupts are produced by controlers of external devices or coprocessors and are linked to the processor pin for Non Maskable Interrupts (NMI) or to the pin for Maskable Interrupts (INTR). The NMI line is usually reserved for interrupts that occure because of fatal errors like a parity error or a power distortion. Interrupts from external devices can also be linked to the processor via the Intel 8259A Programmable Interrupt Controller (PIC). The CPU uses a group of I/O ports to control the PIC and the PIC puts its signals on the INTR pin. The PIC makes it possible to enable or disable interrupts and to change the priority levels under supervision of a program. One single PIC can handle eight interrupt levels, but several 8259A PIC's can be coupled to support as much levels as needed. 80286 and 80386 machines use two PIC's, wich can together configure 16 interrupt levels. Ever wondered what that IRQ level of your soundcard means? IRQ stands for Interrupt ReqQuest level, and as you might've guessed, you have 16 IRQ's. The keyboard for example uses IRQ 1 and the clock IRQ 0. This means that the clock has a higher priority than the keyboard, so if you type something the clock won't stop. The instructions STI and CLI can be used to enable/disable interrupts on the INTR pin, this has no effect on NMI interrupts.

Software Interrupts

Software interrupts are the result of an INT instruction in an executed program. This can be seen as a programmer triggered event that immediately stops execution of the program and passes execution over to the INT handler. The INT handler is usually part of the operating system and will determine the action that should be taken (eg. output to screen, execute file etc.) An example is INT 21h, wich is the DOS service interrupt. When the handler is called it will read the value stored in AH (sometimes even AL) and jumps to the right routine.

Interrupt Table and TSR basics

I mentioned before that each interrupt level has a reserved memory location, called an interrupt vector. All these vectors (or pointers) are stored in a table, the interrupt table. This table lies at linear address 0, or with 64KB segments, at 0000:0000. Each vector is 2 words long (4 bytes). The high word contains the offset and the low word the segment of the INT handler. Since there are 256 levels and each vector is 4 bytes long, the table contains 1024 bytes (400h). The INT number is multiplied by 4 to fetch the address from the table. A very useful property of this system is that we can change the vectors to point to another routine. This is in fact what a TSR (Terminate and Stay Resident) does. Suppose we want to make our own "put string" (INT 21h AH=09 DS:DX=offset string) routine. We could do this by making a procedure in our program and call it when needed, but that's not what we want. We want every other program writing to the screen this way use our routine. This can easily be achieved by changing the INT 21h vector to point to our routine. We should write the routine so, that it checks if AH=09 and if it's not it uses the old vector. However there is one problem, as soon as the program to set this up is finished the memory can be used again and will probably be overwritten by the next program. This results in a jump into the middle of the overwriting program when INT 21h is executed and will crash the system. We must find some way to "lock" the memory. This can be achieved by using INT 27h (Terminate and stay resident). When we end a program with INT 27h it will reserve the memory the program runs in.

How INT's are processed

In fact most of this information can be get from the rest of the text, but I wanted to make it a bit more clear. When the CPU registeres an INT it will push the FLAGS register to the stack and it will also push the CS and IP registers. After that the CPU disables the interrupt system. Then it gets the 8-bit value the interrupting device sends and multiplies this by 4 to get the offset in the interrupt table. From this offset it gets the address of the INT handler and carries over execution to this handler. The handler usually enables the interrupt system immediately, to allow interrupts with higher priority. Some devices also need a signal that the interrupt has been acknowledged. When the handler is finished it must signal the 8259A PIC with an EOI (End Of Interrupt). This can be done by sending 20h to port 20h. Then the handler executes an IRET instruction, wich is the same as a RET instruction with the only difference that it pops the FLAGS register too.

Closing words

All the above is true in real mode. In protected mode it's generally the same, but there are some minor differences. For example the IDT register contains the position of the INT table and the CPU pushes EFLAGS, CS, EPI. I won't explain this here. If you really want to know read my Protected Mode tutorial. I'm still writing it, so it's not available yet. As always I hope you learned something from this. Please send me comments and/or suggestions. My tutors can always be found at:

Copyright 1996 Ferdi Smit. All rights reserved.
Design and text by MAD
Send any comments and suggestions to UZteam