Softwareteknologi DTU - Project No. 0219:  Epic Program Graphs
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet DTU
Bachelorprojekt - Softwareteknologi
Project No. 0219:  Epic Program Graphs
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In "Formal Methods - An Appetizer" we saw that program graphs are a useful model of programs for a number of imperative programming languages. We also saw how to develop interpreters as well as how to perform verification, program analysis and impose language based security policies for programs modelled as program graphs.

The MUMPS programming language ( is used for programming the Epic hospital data managenment system being used on Zealand and is a candidate for also being being modelled as program graphs (and subsequently analysed).

One would need to indentify a subset of of the MUMPS programming language, to parse it to obtain suitable abstract syntax trees, and to generate program graphs for it. There are a number of intricacies in the MUMPS programming language that need to be dealt with when constructing the parser: spaces are seen as terminators, so two spaces my mean something different than one space, keywords can be redefined and abbreviated to single letters etc. Also the memory model requires thought as it aims at making local and global data (read databases) appear similar to programmers. The entire development should be packaged in a suitable manner. For inspiration you may take a look at the systems on but it is not required to follow this format.

Prerequisites:  02141 Computer Science Modelling

Supervisor(s) Flemming Nielson

Sidst opdateret: Nov 27, 2017 af Hans Henrik Løvengreen