Softwareteknologi DTU - Project No. 0215:  DDoS Data Repository
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet DTU
Bachelorprojekt - Softwareteknologi
Project No. 0215:  DDoS Data Repository
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The Internet of Things (IoT) revolution has not only carried the promise of interconnecting a whole generation of "dumb" devices, but also brought to the Internet billions of badly protected and easily hackable objects. Indeed, this sudden flooding of insecure devices brought back to the top older threats, such as Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks.

A group of security researcher at DTU Compute proposed an up-to-date and comprehensive taxonomy of DDoS attacks, together with a number of examples of real-world DDoS-capable IoT malwares.

The aim of the thesis is to develop an interactive web-repository that maps the information proposed in the paper, making them available on-line. As an example, a similar idea can be found at the following link:

Prerequisites:  Web programming skills, knowledge of databases, knowledge of networking principles

Supervisor(s) Nicola Dragoni

Sidst opdateret: Nov 24, 2017 af Hans Henrik Løvengreen