Softwareteknologi DTU - Project No. 0200:  Game for a simple game console
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet DTU
Bachelorprojekt - Softwareteknologi
Project No. 0200:  Game for a simple game console
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In this project you will develop a video game for an embedded video console or some other gaming hardware of your choice. The provided console, if you choose to use it, consists of a capable embedded platform with a FPGA based game adapter for VGA and sound output.

Programming the system is straightforward and only minor experience with C is required. However, it is possible to explore more advanced topics such as hardware design on the FPGA, sound synthesis and artificial intelligence.

Game topic is quite open and you can, within reason, choose your own game to work on.

Prerequisites:  Some C programming experience and experience with game hardware and or graphics

Supervisor(s) Sven Karlsson

Sidst opdateret: Nov 25, 2016 af Hans Henrik Løvengreen