Softwareteknologi DTU - Project No. 0157:  Task-based Concurrent Execution i Java
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet DTU
Bachelorprojekt - Softwareteknologi
Project No. 0157:  Task-based Concurrent Execution i Java
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Many programming platforms have developed execution frameworks for concurrent execution of small units of work often called tasks. Such a framework may bridge the gap between concurent and parallel computation models.

Early on, Java launched the so-called ExecutorService which executes tasks on thread-pools of various kinds. However, this does not allow for eg. tasks to have interdependicies as found in other frameworks.

In this project a new task-based concurrent execution framework for the Java should be developed and/or evaluated. Based on studies of similar frameworks (eg. iOS, .NET), an execution model should be proposed and a prototype implemented.

The project may be based on the existing task4java library. In that case, the focus will be on testing and applying this framework.

Prerequisites:  02158 Concurrent Programming

Supervisor(s) Hans Henrik Løvengreen

Sidst opdateret: Nov 27, 2014 af Hans Henrik Løvengreen