Softwareteknologi DTU - Projekt nr. 0019:  A Tool for Web-based Management of Call-for-Papers
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet DTU
Bachelorprojekt - Softwareteknologi
Projekt nr. 0019:  A Tool for Web-based Management of Call-for-Papers
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The goal of this project(s) is to develop a system for managing call-for-papers (CFPs) as published by conferences. The overall project consists of several sub-projects, that can be worked on independently. The sub-projects include the design of a XML schema definition, development of a stand-alone client for creating documents in that XML dialect, development of a web-based interface, development of a web service for handling documents in the XML dialect, and integration with a database.

Vejleder(e): Christian W. Probst

Sidst opdateret: Oct 31, 2011 af Hans Henrik Løvengreen